ROTC Programs

ROTC Programs


Why AUSA Is Important To ROTC…

  • Professional Development
  • Opportunity for additional leadership experience
  • AUSA ROTC Companies support community and school projects
  • Provides national recognition for the school and individual cadets
  • Scholarships - The Association of the United States Army (AUSA) provides a $4000 scholarship to the top Cadet in Cadet Command.  This presentation is made at our Annual ROTC Luncheon held each October.  This luncheon is at no cost to the Cadets.
  • Tutoring and mentoring programs
  • Chapter support to cadet programs

AUSA also provides, at no cost to the Institution, provides Ribbons and History Awards for Annual Awards Ceremonies at Colleges and Universities, when requested.  AUSA also provides speakers and presenters at these ceremonies.


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