'Vanguard' Battalion Soldiers help 9th Iraqi Army Division put smiles on children’s faces at school supply drop

'Vanguard' Battalion Soldiers help 9th Iraqi Army Division put smiles on children’s faces at school supply drop

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Story and photo by Sgt. Daniel Stoutamire, 2nd AAB, 1st Inf. Div., USD-C BAGHDAD—Proving that the desire for the latest and greatest in back-to-school fashion is not solely an American phenomenon during the late summer months, Iraqi families came out by the dozen at two local schools to receive humanitarian assistance in the form of school supplies, notably backpacks, from the 9th Iraqi Army Division Sept. 20 in the vicinity of Camp Taji, just north of Baghdad.            Soldiers with Company A, 1st “Vanguard” Battalion, 2nd Advise and Assist Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, United States Division – Center helped provide perimeter security for the school supply distribution, which occurred at the Sommer and Morocco Elementary Schools, and provided more than 450 backpacks and seven large boxes of miscellaneous school supplies to local children.            “The main idea [behind the event] was to let the civilian population see that the Iraqi Army cares about their well-being, beyond simply their physical security,” said Maj. Anthony George, a member of the Stability Transition Team attached to the Vanguard Battalion who works closely with the 9th IA Div. on a daily basis. “It also gives the IA the opportunity to interact with people in a [different] setting.”            While the 9th IA Div. was front and center in the passing out of the supplies, many of their Soldiers worked with Company A to provide perimeter security and maintain order amongst the crowd.            “We controlled the outer cordon to ensure the site was secure and to ensure an even distribution of supplies,” said 1st Lt. Zechariah Thiry, a platoon leader with Company A and a Fremont, Mich., native.            At both locations, the IA was warmly received and there were no incidents during the supply distribution. The gratitude of the recipients and their families was readily apparent, even as they waited in line. Among the most popular items were the ‘Ben 10’ backpacks, though it is unknown whether the boys who got them were true fans of the American cartoon series about a boy with a magic watch or just happy to have brand-new backpack.            In any event, George said, the ability and initiative shown by the IA in orchestrating the event will have a lasting impact in the neighborhoods affected.            “The actual backpacks will have a tangible, if minor, impact on these childrens’ education,” he said. “Them seeing their army showing concern and supporting their civilian activities will have a positive effect on the relationship between the population and the IA.”