Retired Gen. Colin Powell provided thoughts on the importance of meetings in his 2012 book with Tony Koltz, It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership. Although not explicit in his musings about the connection of the conduct of meetings with leadership, his meaning is pertinent and emphatic: Meetings have a special importance.

He implies that properly conducted, meetings are key to successful execution of missions, resolution of issues, settlement of disputes, expression of views and so forth. They also can be an effective leadership tool.

The intrinsic leadership value of a meeting lies...

Though hundreds of meters away, the catastrophic explosion sent a powerful shock wave through the operations center. As the battle staff watched the aerostat monitors in horror, injured civilians staggered away, covered in dust and blood, while shattered bodies littered the street. Burning and charred vehicles stood everywhere as soldiers, thrown to the ground behind concrete barriers, struggled to their feet.

The commander shot a quick glance at the sergeant major, who sprinted out the door to alert the tactical command post to get ready to roll. In a steady, hard voice, the boss called...

Just over 30 years ago, one of the U.S. Army’s most renowned and distinguished combat leaders passed away. Yet Maj. Gen. Aubrey “Red” Newman lives on in the numerous professional articles he penned, including 172 columns for ARMY magazine.

Newman, who died in January 1994 at age 90, stayed closely involved with the Army until his last years. I learned much from him and his “The Forward Edge” leadership columns in ARMY, which spanned more than 21 years, ending in 1988. Three of his lessons have particularly stuck with me. Army leaders today might still learn and benefit from these lessons...

The ongoing conflicts in Europe and the Middle East require military professionals and national security experts to reexamine preconceived notions of war in the 21st century. Many predicted a rapid overthrow of the Ukrainian government by Russian forces in February 2022. Subsequently, the U.S. and NATO hoped last year’s Ukrainian summer counteroffensive would result in substantive gains. As of this writing, it has not.

The conflict has devolved into a multiyear struggle, with both sides entering defensive positions resembling Europe’s World War I battlefields. Similarly, the Israel Defense...

The ongoing conflicts in Europe and the Middle East require military professionals and national security experts to reexamine preconceived notions of war in the 21st century. Many predicted a rapid overthrow of the Ukrainian government by Russian forces in February 2022. Subsequently, the U.S. and NATO hoped last year’s Ukrainian summer counteroffensive would result in substantive gains. As of this writing, it has not.

The conflict has devolved into a multiyear struggle, with both sides entering defensive positions resembling Europe’s World War I battlefields. Similarly, the Israel Defense...

Sergeants are on the rise in the U.S. Army Reserve, where a new initiative to promote more young soldiers more quickly is busting through a cultural gridlock and aiming to put an end to a yearslong shortage of NCOs.

Thousands of Army Reserve soldiers in the ranks of specialist and corporal have waited an average of almost seven years for promotion to sergeant, an advancement that takes about three years in the Regular Army.

Over time, slow promotion rates thinned the senior NCO ranks. NCOs weren’t replaced when people retired or left the service, and the number of specialists and...

In an ever-evolving global landscape, the ability to rapidly deploy is not just a military requirement—it’s a deterrence. The U.S. Army’s global competitors are kept at bay not just by firepower, but by the sheer efficiency of its deployment strategies, known as the strategic mobility triad. This triad comprises strategic airlift, sealift and pre-positioned equipment.

Each element of the triad supports the National Military Strategy by projecting military power anywhere in the world. Central to this is the Army Prepositioned Stock (APS) program, a synchronization of multiple logistics...

Holistic Health and Fitness is a performance optimization system created to maximize soldiers’ ability to deploy, fight and win the United States’ wars. Placing people first, Holistic Health and Fitness provides the building blocks that enable leaders, soldiers and units to improve performance and mitigate risk.

Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) leverages an embedded model to create an interdisciplinary, cross-functional team at the brigade level that provides support across the following domains: physical, nutrition, mental, spiritual and sleep. This is a proactive approach to improve...

Over the past couple of years, tremendous attention has been paid to the U.S. Army’s failure to meet its recruiting goals. The Army has rightly looked at increasing signing bonuses, enhancing workforce training opportunities and improving military career progression and housing options.

Some debate has arisen over bettering the Army’s social media presence to respond to criticism of the military becoming too “woke” or not “sensitive” enough to social justice concerns of potential new recruits.

But one major aspect of improving Army recruiting clearly needs more attention—how the Army...

Battalion and squadron command posts will always face limitations in their ability to disperse and hide in terrain. Equipment availability significantly impacts how each unit executes command post operations. Synchronizing operations and increasing the likelihood of mission success is best achieved by bringing warfighting functions together in one location.

Due to equipment shortfalls, our unit, the 4th Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, out of Fort Carson, Colorado, had a limited capacity to run an expeditionary-style command post...

A common attitude among many U.S. Army leaders with respect to ethics and the moral dimension of our profession—deciding, acting and leading in accordance with the law of armed conflict and Army Values—appears to be that of a bread baker who considers flour an optional ingredient. Many leaders similarly consider ethics an optional ingredient in decision-making. It’s as if they think they can make a decision, then see if it’s moral. No one should be surprised at this bifurcated approach in the Army.

The U.S. Army War College, for example, has a core strategic leadership course with one...

Every year, an elite group of recruits arrives at Joint Base San Antonio for an intensive training program and evaluation—all before the recruits turn 1 year old.

These 50 to 90 puppy candidates are Belgian Malinois, a smart, confident and versatile breed of dog similar to the more compact German shepherd. They are trained and evaluated by the Air Force’s 341st Training Squadron, which is responsible for training military working dogs for all the services and the Defense Department. Alongside fellow canine recruits from global breeders, these dogs are an essential part of the U.S. Army’s...

In developing great units, the most important and impactful responsibility a leader has is creating and continuously fostering a positive leadership climate.

This is important and impactful for both short- and long-term reasons. In the short term, it has the single greatest impact on the individual and collective performance of units. In the long run, it determines the types of soldiers and leaders you are developing for their next assignments and beyond.

U.S. Army culture is embedded in things like the military ethic, Army Values and warfighting and training standards. Climate is the...

While the Army must transform for the future, it also must move with urgency to contend with today’s increasingly volatile and complex world, the service’s top general said.

“The difference today is the tech disruption we’ve had, the volatility is completely different, and just how fast things are spinning on the tech side,” Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George said. “I think it’s completely different from what we’ve seen, and there’s a lot of implications with that and how we do business and how we change.”

Since being sworn in last September as the 41st Army chief of staff, George has...

Polo is considered one of mankind’s oldest team sports. It dates back more than 2,500 years, and it’s a military sport, developed to keep mounted warriors and their steeds ready for combat.

Famous leaders such as Alexander the Great, Teddy Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Gen. George Patton Jr. are all credited as having been enthusiastic polo players. The modern version of polo came from British officers who observed Indians playing polo in Manipur in the 1860s and brought the sport back to England. Rules were codified, and from England, polo spread across Europe and to the U.S. in 1876....