One year ago, I published "Marching Orders" to outline my intent and priorities for sustaining our high-quality, All-Volunteer Army.

Thank you, again, to each and every one of you for being here [at the 2012 Association of the United States Army Annual Meeting and Exposition], for all that you do each and every day on behalf of our entire Army: our soldiers, their families, our civilian employees."I can’t tell you how much the effort that you bring and the support of that great Army is deeply appreciated."AUSA provides a critically important forum for the Army."A forum to share ideas, discuss critical issues that impact our future, and it gives us an important chance to spend some time listening – listening and learning...

This report describes the life cycle of AUSA’s grassroots work from the creation of the Association’s annual resolutions to the creation of the next set of resolutions.The resolutions are produced annually, and act as the basis for our legislative objectives for the year.Chapters or individual members may submit proposed resolutions until July of each year.The National Resolutions Committee membership, usually numbering about 14 AUSA members, is nominated by chapters and approved by the Association’s Council of Trustees.The committee meets in Washington for three days before the Annual Meeting...

Our Army faces substantial challenges over the next year, but I am reassured by the fact that the Association of the United States Army is working tirelessly to represent the needs of the force.AUSA’s track record speaks for itself.For nearly 63 years you have served as the "Voice for the Army" on Capitol Hill and with senior civilian leaders, lobbying for the equipment, pay and other vital resources needed to keep our Army the best in the world.Quite simply, the dedicated professionals in your association allow the Army’s professional soldiers to accomplish their mission, whether it is...

If you read last month’s column, you know that the good news is that the Defense Authorization Bill for Fiscal Year 2013 was passed by both houses of Congress and in early January was signed by the president.The bad news however (which by the way could fill several columns) is that there is no good news about the myriad "fiscal cliffs" that we discovered were lurking behind the Dec. 31 "fiscal cliff."So, the sequestration trigger that was originally scheduled to be pulled on January 1 is now scheduled to be pulled on March 1.The debt ceiling that was to be breached on or about Feb. 15 has now...

AUSA’s Family Programs Directorate is dedicated to providing Army families with the assistance they need to help them manage the challenges of military life.Through four pillars of support, Education, Information, Advocacy, and Outreach, AUSA Family Programs provides a platform from which Army families can voice their issues and concerns.In addition, the activities and outreach efforts that Family Programs is involved in throughout the year allows for a better understanding of our Army families’ strengths and trials.This translates into better materials, information, timely and relevant...

After many years at war, America soldiers and their families face new challenges driven by the fiscal issues facing our country.During these times of reduced resources the Association of the United States Army – AUSA – is there when you need us as we were there when you were deployed.Their respect and generosity, even in difficult and challenging economic times, remain as one of the strengths of our country.Despite this backing, military retirement and retiree health care programs are under attack by those who view the programs as "overly generous."With the physical and emotional burdens on...

Now in its 63rd year, the Association of the United States Army has been the "Voice for the Army – Support for the Soldier."AUSA has been educating the members of Congress and the general public on the critical issues that directly affect the men and women of the U.S. Army – and their families – who are proudly serving our country.AUSA membership is open to all Army components – active Army, Army National Guard and Army Reserve.Also retirees, veterans, government civilians, business men and women, industry representatives, military academy and ROTC cadets, family members and concerned citizens...

With a smaller, leaner force in the future, aviation will play a bigger and more significant role than it has over the last decade, said the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, or TRADOC, commander.Speaking Jan. 10 at the Association of the United States Army’s annual Institute of Land Warfare Army Aviation Symposium and Exposition, Gen. Robert W. Cone said the risks associated with a smaller Army can be mitigated by continuing investments in aviation and by finding balance between near-term and long-term readiness of the force."TRADOC certainly has a central role in that we design the...

The 29th Annual Army Ten-Miler, the third largest 10-mile race in the world, is set for Oct. 20 at the Pentagon in Washington.Produced by the U.S. Army Military District of Washington, the annual Army Ten-Miler features a world-class race that attracts over 30,000 runners.The race is preceded by a two-day Health and Fitness Expo with over 85 exhibitors and 35,000-plus attendees.Acclaimed for its fast, scenic course – passing by many national landmarks and monuments in our nation’s Capital – the Army’s race is the only running event to start and finish at the Pentagon.Race officials also...

The Association of the United States Army’s Institute of Land Warfare (ILW) has recently released a new publication."The U.S. Army Capstone Concept: Defining the Army of 2020" (Defense Report, January 2013) presents the Army’s initiative to transition into a force based predominantly in the continental United States (CONUS) but ready and able to deliver a wide array of expeditionary capabilities rapidly when needed.Released in December 2012, the revised publication titled "The U.S. Army Capstone Concept" (U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Pamphlet 525-3-0) describes the Army’s vision of...

Army aviation has been in the fight now for more than a decade, and as the drawdown in Afghanistan continues, commanders say it would be wise to remember the lessons learned during those years.That was the common theme of four Army aviation commanders who spoke at the Association of the United States Army’s Institute of Land Warfare Army Aviation Symposium in a panel discussion titled "Aviation in the Fight: At Home and Down Range."Ensuring soldiers have adequate training is vital before deploying in combat, said Col. Frank M. Muth, who commanded the 1st Infantry Division’s Combat Aviation...

In order to both support secular, democratic forces and combat jihadist elements in the Middle East, the United States must retain an un-occupying, mobile land force in the region, according to Gen. John Abizaid, USA, Ret., a former commander of U.S. Central Command that oversees this area of the world."The problem [in the Middle East] requires land power to be used, in smaller ways than we use them in Iraq and Afghanistan," Abizaid said, while speaking at the Gen. Bernard W. Rogers Strategic Issues Forum, sponsored by the Association of the United States Army and its Institute of Land Warfare...

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said the greatest threat to America’s national security is fiscal uncertainty and potential shortfalls that could "hollow" out the force.Odierno spoke Jan. 24 to a packed house of Association of United States Army members during a monthly Institute of Land Warfare breakfast meeting.He said the Joint Chiefs of Staff penned a letter to House and Senate leaders Jan. 14 voicing their concerns over future readiness of the armed forces and stating that three budget conditions are creating a "perfect storm."First is the possibility of a continuing resolution in...

This report describes the life cycle of AUSA’s grassroots work from the creation of the Association’s annual resolutions to the creation of the next set of resolutions.The resolutions are produced annually, and act as the basis for our legislative objectives for the year.Chapters or individual members may submit proposed resolutions until July of each year.The National Resolutions Committee membership, usually numbering about 14 AUSA members, is nominated by chapters and approved by the Association’s Council of Trustees.The committee meets in Washington for three days before the Annual Meeting...