“We will pray for peace every day, but at the same time, the U.S. Army will prepare for war,” said Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley.

Adding, “No one wants war,” but the Army must maintain a laser focus on readiness.

Gen. Mark Milley, Army chief of staff, gives his ‘State of the Army’ address during the AUSA Annual Meeting and Exposition. (AUSA News photo)

Milley delivered his remarks at the well-attended Dwight D. Eisenhower Luncheon held at the 2017 Annual Meeting and Exposition of the Association of the U.S. Army.

In the speech, an impassioned Milley outlined his views on the Army’s role in a rapidly changing world.

“The world is becoming more complex and dangerous,” Milley said, adding that in order to understand the shifting...

The winners of the U.S. Army Best Warrior Competition were announced during the Sergeant Major of the Army Awards Luncheon at the AUSA Annual Meeting.

The days are ticking by, but Congress is not moving closer to passing appropriations for Fiscal Year 2018.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said the international situation today “is the most complex and demanding” he has seen in his four decades of service.

Gary Sinise, recipient of AUSA’s highest award for service to the nation, pledged that his dedicated contributions aren’t going to come to an end anytime soon.

In the June 2016 issue of ARMY magazine, we provided an update on how the senior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program (SROTC) has changed from what many who are reading this article experienced when they were a college student in ROTC.

We continue to refine our curriculum and cadet summer training as well. The Army’s newest lieutenants have never been more ready to lead and train our soldiers.

For those reasons and more, Army ROTC has never been healthier.

With over 31,000 cadets enrolled, we produce over 5,000 second lieutenants annually for the Regular Army, Army National Guard and U.S...

There is evidence that the current administration is applying more military pressure, focused and intense, on the the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria.

A Department of the Army campaign to remove excess property by integrating strategic partners would result in measurable readiness gains for the Army.

While we have temporarily “dodged the bullet” of a government shutdown, a potential Congressional meltdown in December could dangerous consequences for defense.

Success at the strategic level in Africa is attained through a long-term, integrated effort with country teams, African partners and U.S. allies.

Success at the strategic level in Africa is attained through a long-term, integrated effort with country teams, African partners and U.S. allies.

Conversations about the morality of war can be terribly frustrating. People tend to have strong moral feelings about war but muddled understandings.

The U.S. Army’s aviation force is working on improvements to sustainment and maintenance, but will respond immediately when the call to action comes.

Recently 110 helicopters headed out of Fort Rucker, Ala., to avoid storm damage that might come from Hurricane Irma, said Maj. Gen. Bill Gayler.

Gayler, who serves as commander of the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence, spoke at the Association of the United States Army’s Army Aviation Hot Topic forum.

Even as those helicopters are moved to safety, Army National Guard aviation assets from 20 states are still in Texas and Louisiana, assisting with recovery efforts there, post-Hurricane Harvey, he said.

A medevac helicopter of the 36th Combat Aviation Brigade, Texas Army National Guard, participates in Hurricane Harvey rescue efforts. (U.S. Army photo by 36th Combat Aviation Brigade)

Those missions, while vital and in the current spotlight, are just a drop in the bucket so...

Once one of the best small AUSA chapters, the Charleston Chapter has been reorganized and revitalized.

The new chapter president is retired Lt. Col. W. Larry Dandridge, who led the chapter to best small chapter status nearly eight years ago.

Dandridge is also vice president for veteran affairs and employment assistance, and the chapter’s representative to the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center.

He is on the Customer Service Council, Quality Council, Veterans Service Officer (VSO) Council, Strategic Planning Committee, and he teaches patient and family-centered care at the local VA medical center...