Imagine you are a staff officer at a combatant command writing the next theater campaign plan. Or maybe you write concepts at the Army Capabilities Integration Center. Either way, you were ordered to develop a long-term strategy to ensure the Army or joint force is capable of defeating a near-peer adversary in the war after next. This is no small task, and your desk being in a basement with black mold or a cubicle farm with constant background noise complicates it.

This problem becomes more complex when examined on a macro scale, contextualized by a world where U.S. primacy is in decline...

Imagine you are a staff officer at a combatant command writing the next theater campaign plan. Or maybe you write concepts at the Army Capabilities Integration Center. Either way, you were ordered to develop a long-term strategy to ensure the Army or joint force is capable of defeating a near-peer adversary in the war after next. This is no small task, and your desk being in a basement with black mold or a cubicle farm with constant background noise complicates it.

This problem becomes more complex when examined on a macro scale, contextualized by a world where U.S. primacy is in decline...

Books covering topics on 1st ID in Desert Storm, a Special Forces legend, Eisenhower's Leadership Lessons, and Nanoweapons.

The commanding general of the U.S. Army Reserve’s 99th Regional Support Command was the guest speaker at the sixth annual Our Community Salutes recognition ceremony at the Cavaliers County Club, Newark, N.J.

Maj. Gen. Troy D. Kok joined Wilmington University and the Association of the U.S. Army’s Delaware Chapter in honoring more than 100 high school students who volunteered to enlist in all branches of the U.S. military following graduation.

Maj. Gen. Troy D. Kok recognizes two of the students who volunteered to enlist in the armed forces during the AUSA Delaware Chapter’s Our Community Salutes recognition ceremony. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Shawn Morris)

“You’re moving into the greatest opportunity you could ever imagine, because the sky’s the limit – you can do anything and be anything in the United States...

Greetings from the Association of the United States Army (AUSA), our Army’s association for education and professional development and a major supporter of the Army’s Soldier for Life efforts.

I had the opportunity to attend the 5th Annual Fort Pitt Warrior Shoot held on June 3.

Dr. Andrew Masich, president and CEO of the Heinz History Center; Carlos Carmona, Fort Pitt Chapter president, and retired Sgt. Maj of the Army Ken Preston attend the Warrior Shoot.

Special thanks to the Fort Pitt Chapter, the Heinz History Center, Special Tactics and Rescue Training, and FN firearms for hosting this event.

Gordon Lam, Fort Pitt Chapter vice president, sent us a report, below, on the day’s activities.


Fort Pitt Chapter Report

The Fort Pitt Chapter’s annual Warrior Shoot event, co...

Army Ten-Miler and General Dynamics officials announced that runners attending the Army Ten-Miler’s General Dynamics Pre-Race Pasta Dinner are in for a special event and experience.

Highlighting the dinner, attendees will meet the senior enlisted leadership of the Army.

Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel Dailey; Command Sgt. Maj. Christopher S. Kepner, command sergeant major of the Army National Guard; and Command Sgt. Maj. Ted L. Copeland, command sergeant major of the U.S. Army Reserve, will speak Oct. 7 at the race’s dinner.

The dinner also features an all-you-can-eat pasta buffet and an energizing...

Construction of the National Museum of the U.S. Army is well underway with a planned opening in 2019.

Also in production are the more than 6,000 personalized commemorative bricks that will be laid along the Path of Remembrance leading to the National Army Museum.

These high quality American-made granite bricks mined from the Mesabi Range in northern Minnesota, and engraved in Boise, Idaho, will be showcased on the museum’s 84-acre campus at Fort Belvoir Va., outside our nation’s capital.

“We’re having tremendous response to this program” said Donor Programs Associate Director Jenna Truax, who...

U.S. service members and community members honored fallen heroes at the Bronze Cross Statue Memorial Wreath Laying Ceremony at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va., May 20.

The monument was initially unveiled on May 14 to honor military members and Department of Defense civilians who passed in service to the nation.

The construction of the monument was a community partnership.

The Association of the U.S. Army’s Virginia Colonial Chapter gathered resources from local businesses and corporate partners to construct the shrine for the lost heroes.

The memorial depicts a soldier’s helmet perched on a rifle...

III Corps and Fort Hood Commanding General Lt. Gen. Paul Funk II recently received a hearty welcome home to the “Great Place,” Fort Hood, Texas.

The Fort Hood-Central Texas Chapter of the Association of the U.S. Army hosted a welcome reception for Funk during its general membership meeting held at the Phantom Warrior Center.

The meeting also included remarks from the AUSA president and CEO, retired Gen. F. Carter Ham and a ceremony recognizing Vietnam veterans.

Before remarks from Funk and Ham, AUSA members paused to honor two veterans as part of the organization’s ongoing partnership with the...

Army civilians have always been a vitally important constituency in the Association of the U.S. Army.

Just as the Army has begun to rely on increasing numbers of civilians, especially in leadership and management positions, so too has AUSA begun to give greater attention to civilian activities and membership.

AUSA’s Army Civilian Advisory Committee represents Army civilians to its Council of Trustees and takes an active role in membership activities.

The current chairman, retired Senior Executive Service (SES) John Nerger, has worked to ensure the committee is more representative of the civilian...

I have to admit there is a part of me that looks forward to moving.

I said, a part of me.

You know, the part that likes purging, the part that enjoys a challenge, the part that likes new adventures and the part that tries turning lemons into lemonade.

And sometimes, PCSing is definitely lemons.

If you’re reading this and you have more than a couple of PCSes under your belt, then we probably have something in common – our share of “bad” move stories.

Speaking for my family, we’ve had our treasured belongings lost, stolen and broken.

Packing crews have put my wedding dress in the same box as the...

Imagine an enemy intent on destroying U.S. ships, say, somewhere in the Western Pacific.

A novel but technologically feasible concept called multi-domain battle, or MDB, could frustrate that intent, said Gen. David G. Perkins.

Gen. David Perkins, TRADOC commander, discussed multi-doman battle scenarios at the LANPAC Symposium. (Photo by Sgt. Steven Galimore)

Perkins, commander of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, spoke at the “Land Forces in the Pacific: Advancing Joint and Multi-National Integration” symposium, sponsored by the Association of the United States Army’s Institute of Land Warfare.

Perkins described MDB as a concept that maximizes utilization of all five domains: air, sea, land, space and cyber, in a...

The Association of the U.S. Army’s LANPAC Symposium and Exposition in Honolulu, focused on land forces and land power in the Indo-Asian-Pacific Theater, wrapped up May 25 even as Army leaders in Washington, D.C., warned Congress that readiness problems remain.

More than 1,700 people attended the three-day Pacific forum, hosted by the AUSA’s Institute of Land Warfare, including 400 industry exhibitors.

Gen. Robert Brown, commanding general, U.S. Army Pacific, presents an award to retired Gen. Carter F. Ham, AUSA president and CEO, during closing comments of the LANPAC Symposium. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Justin Silvers)

This is the fifth year for the event, one that brought military representatives from 30 countries including the chiefs of staff of nine armies.

The event included a declaration by Navy Adm. Harry...

The Eighth Army is prepared for combat operations at any time, according to its commanding general, Lt. Gen. Thomas S. Vandal.

Stationed in the Asia-Pacific region, the Eighth Army is ready to assist its partner, the Republic of Korea (ROK), in any combined endeavor.

Vandal, who also serves as the chief of staff for ROK–U.S. Combined Forces Command, offered these reassurances at the “Land Forces in the Pacific: Advancing Joint and Multi-National Integration” symposium, May 24, which was sponsored by the Association of the U.S. Army Institute of Land Warfare.

Combined commands

The ROK–U.S. team is...

During a meeting of the Florida Cabinet, Governor Rick Scott recognized retired Sgt. Maj. Ray A. Quinn with the Governor’s Medal of Merit.

Sgt. Maj. Quinn served in the U.S. Army and Florida National Guard for 30 years. He is also the vice president for veteran affairs of the Association of the U.S. Army’s First Militia Chapter, Tallahassee, Fla.

Sgt. Maj. Ray Quinn, third from left, vice president for veteran affairs of AUSA’s First Militia Chapter, received the Governor’s Medal of Merit from Florida Governor Rick Scott.

Scott said, “I’d like to thank Sergeant Major Quinn for his dedication to the safety of families in Florida and the nation. I am incredibly humbled by his lifelong service, first as a member of the Army National Guard and then as a community leader in...