AUSA Region IV Outreach Event for Army Futures Command

AUSA Region IV Outreach Event for Army Futures Command

Location To Be Determined

To Be Determined
To Be Determined, TX 79906
United States

Add to Calendar 2024-06-30 16:12:37 2024-06-30 16:12:37 AUSA Region IV Outreach Event for Army Futures Command Description Location AUSA America/Chicago public

AUSA National and the local chapters are working with Army Futures Command in an initial effort to develop working relationships with local entrepreneurs who have created or are creating new product concepts that can be adapted for use in the defense industry.  To that end, Army Futures Command will be hosting an event in Austin, Texas, in June.  Army Futures Command is headquartered at the University of Texas in Austin.  In preparation for the June event, AFC will be cohosting smaller events across the state with the local AUSA Chapters.  The purpose of the local events is to invite educational institutions of higher learning, local business entrepreneurs, and innovation center representatives to inform them of the direction AFC is pursuing in developing partnerships with those who have created innovative products and are interested in working with AFC.  The location for the event has not yet been set but a location will be determined and announced in the next several days.  We encourage each of you to attend this two hour program and to utilize your network to recruit individuals who wish to learn more about this potential opportunity.   AFC leadership will provide an overview of its goals and preparation for the June event and will provide plenty of time for an open discussion both in a group setting and one-on-one.  It will begin at noon and lunch will be served.  To determine if you are interested in making a submission to AFC, please visit the website provided below.  The site we encourage you to visit and the site any potential participants are required to visit is<>.  Near the bottom of the home page is a link to "find out fast if the Army is a viable market for you".  From there, the visitor can answer questions and submit some information if they are still interested.
