Reserve Recruiting Partnership Council

Reserve Recruiting Partnership Council

George W, Dunaway Reserve Center

13825 Hinson Street
Sloan, NV 89054
United States

Add to Calendar 2024-06-30 17:18:02 2024-06-30 17:18:02 Reserve Recruiting Partnership Council Description Location AUSA America/Chicago public

The U.S. Recruiting Battalion Command held its Reserve Recruiting Partnership Council (R2PC) and the AUSA Chapter President was present to take part in this important meeting. Recruiters and Reservists talked there challenges and milestones as well as the way ahead. The AUSA Chapter provided a brief that inspired many to ask further questions. A super opportunity that allowed interaction and connections with many of the recruiters and reservists. The Recruiting Battalion Commander LTC Vasquez and the CSM was very supportive and look forward to future engagements. We were very happy with the overall meeting and its outcomes.
