Army Ranger, Author Shares Mogadishu Experience

Army Ranger, Author Shares Mogadishu Experience

Book cover
Photo by: Courtesy

Retired Lt. Col. James Lechner, author of With My Shield: An Army Ranger in Somalia, will speak June 6 during a webinar hosted by the Association of the U.S. Army.

During the online event, Lechner will discuss his experiences in Mogadishu, Somalia, in 1993 when he served with the 3rd Ranger Battalion and fought in the battle that would become the basis of the book and subsequent movie Black Hawk Down.

The event, part of AUSA’s Noon Report series, begins at noon Eastern. It is free, but registration is required here.

In October 1993, after weeks of conducting raids in Mogadishu, then-Lt. Lechner and his fellow soldiers were called to conduct a daring daytime mission into the heart of insurgent leader Mohamed Farah Aidid’s territory. After capturing one of Aidid’s lieutenants, two MH-60 Black Hawk helicopters were shot down, and Lechner and his fellow soldiers were caught in the fiercest fighting involving U.S. troops since the Vietnam War.

The firsthand account in With My Shield tells the story of how this small band of Rangers and special operators stood together and prevailed against incredible odds.

A 1989 graduate of The Citadel, Lechner served in the Army for 27 years, including in command and staff positions in conventional and special operations units. He served in six wars and operational deployments, including Somalia, Sinai, Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Lechner’s key leadership role with an Army brigade during operations in Ramadi, Iraq, in 2006 are recounted in the books A Chance in Hell and A Soldier’s Dream.

When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Lechner became a war correspondent, covering almost every major battle from the ground in Ukraine. He continues to serve as a military adviser.