AUSA Bylaws Changing to Show New Industry Partner Members

AUSA Bylaws Changing to Show New Industry Partner Members

Photo by: U.S. Army

A bylaws change amending the names of membership categories for national and community business and organization members has been overwhelmingly approved in a vote by Association of the U.S. Army members. The AUSA Council of Trustees had recommended approval.

With the change, the “sustaining member” and “corporate member” categories have been replaced by a new title, "Industry Partner Members." The new name covers national and community members from businesses and organizations of all sizes.

Part of the reason for the change was to eliminate confusion about the difference between sustaining and corporate members.

With the change, Community Partners are members affiliated with one AUSA chapter, typically a local or regional group. Community Partners may have up to 10 individual members.

National Partners, typically regional, national or global businesses or organizations, may have up to 50 individual members and be affiliated with three AUSA chapters.

Details about membership categories and benefits are available here: