AUSA Releases 5 New Podcasts in June

AUSA Releases 5 New Podcasts in June

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Photo by: AUSA

The Association of the U.S. Army is releasing five new podcast episodes in June, including an update on the fiscal 2022 Army budget and the latest on the service’s work to improve inclusion across the force.

First up in the “Army Matters” series is an interview with Command Sgt. Maj. Jason Featherston, the senior enlisted leader for the Texas Army National Guard. Featherston will discuss the Texas Guard’s role and how it supports its state and the nation during times of crisis. 

The episode is available June 7.

On June 14, the podcast will feature Lt. Gen. Gary Brito, deputy Army chief of staff for personnel, and Anselm Beach, deputy assistant Army secretary for equity and inclusion, who will talk about the Army’s work to build a culture of trust and inclusion. The episode also will mark the Army’s 246th birthday.

A special edition scheduled for June 16 will feature an interview with Maj. Gen. Paul Chamberlain, director of the Army budget, who will discuss highlights from the Army’s fiscal 2022 budget request.

Next up is an episode featuring Patty Barron, the former AUSA Family Readiness director who is now deputy assistant secretary of defense for military community and family policy. Barron will talk about the work being done in the Pentagon to improve family programs.

The podcast will be available June 21.

Finally, on June 28, retired Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, former commander of U.S. Army Europe, will discuss his new book, Future War and the Defence of Europe.

The book, which Hodges co-wrote with retired Marine Gen. John Allen and Julian Lindley-French, offers a major new analysis of how peace and security can be maintained in Europe amid advances in technology and a rapidly shifting strategic environment.

Hodges also will speak June 9 at an AUSA Thought Leaders webinar. More information is available here.

Full details on the podcasts are available at Listeners also can subscribe to “Army Matters” for updates.