June Podcasts Feature Benefits, Leadership, Museum

June Podcasts Feature Benefits, Leadership, Museum

Photo by: AUSA

June podcasts from the Association of the U.S. Army include a discussion about leading by example, information on the new National Museum of the United States Army, and an interview with Pulitzer Prize-winning author Rick Atkinson about his new book.

June’s first podcast in the “Army Matters” series will be a discussion co-hosted by retired Sgt. Maj. of the Army Kenneth O. Preston and retired Command Sgt. Maj. Troy Welch, both of AUSA’s NCO and Soldier Programs. They will talk about what it means to lead by example for emerging leaders and young professionals. It will be available June 3.

Available beginning June 10 is a conversation about the new National Museum of the United States Army, which is scheduled to open next year at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. It will feature retired Lt. Gen. Roger Schultz, president of the Army Historical Foundation, and Tammy E. Call, the museum’s director.

Up next will be an interview with Chelsea Ortiz of MyArmyBenefits, the Army’s official benefits website, discussing survivor benefits, the GI Bill and more. That podcast will be available June 17.

The final June podcast will be a discussion with Atkinson about The British Are Coming: The War for America, Lexington to Princeton, 1775–1777. His new book, the first in a planned trilogy, tells the story of the early years of the Revolutionary War. The podcast will be available June 24.

Full details are available at podcast.ausa.org.