Remember AUSA on #GivingTuesday

Remember AUSA on #GivingTuesday

On #GivingTuesday, a day now globally dedicated to helping nonprofit organizations through charitable giving, the Association of the U.S. Army is one of the many places accepting donations.

Established in 1950 as an educational nonprofit that uses its resources and programs to support the Total Army, AUSA uses #GivingTuesday to gather funds to pay for scholarships, educational and professional development programs, and for its departments providing programs for soldiers and their families.

Donors to AUSA may designate their financial gift to a specific program or let AUSA decide how the money can be best spent.

Donate here:

As a 501(c)3, donations to AUSA are tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction, donation receipts may be used as your official record.

The money helps, one Army officer who received a 2019 scholarship told AUSA. “I love the Army,” he wrote. “I remain steadfast in my commitment to serve our nation with the highest level of preparation and professionalism, which is why my education is very important to me.”

Attending school “created a financial hardship for our family,” he added, so “the AUSA scholarship comes as a welcome sigh of relief and a minor miracle. Because of AUSA's generosity, our heavy financial load has been lightened.”