Army Ready to Face ‘Complex’ Pacific Theater

Army Ready to Face ‘Complex’ Pacific Theater

The 2019 LANPAC Symposium and Exposition, attended by more than 1,600 attendees and exhibitors, concluded May 23 with a reminder that the Indo-Pacific theater remains one of great challenge, but both the Army and industry have solutions.

This was the seventh consecutive year the Association of the U.S. Army has hosted the Pacific land forces event, which drew representatives from 24 nations in addition to U.S. military leaders from around the globe.

Panel: Army Must Plan for a Future of Unknowns

Panel: Army Must Plan for a Future of Unknowns

In a panel titled “Agile Land Forces: Black Swans and Pink Flamingos,” military planners talked about the need to think smaller, faster and with flexibility for the duration of future fights.

The May 22 discussion at the Association of the U.S. Army LANPAC Symposium and Exposition in Honolulu focused on how agility and fluidity, supported by technology, are ways to prepare for future battles.

Soldiers Must Be Ready for Tech-Free Battles

Soldiers Must Be Ready for Tech-Free Battles

Senior U.S. Army enlisted members caution that increasing reliance on technology may be eroding essential soldiering skills.

At the Association of the U.S. Army-sponsored LANPAC Symposium and Exposition in Honolulu, U.S. command sergeants major warned that the advantages technology is bringing to battlefields in targeting, navigation, automation and communications take time to master, and may leave less time for training on basic soldier tasks.

Brown Says Land Forces ‘Enable Other Domains’

Brown Says Land Forces ‘Enable Other Domains’

The U.S. Army Pacific commander praised the Association of the U.S. Army for a three-day LANPAC conference in Honolulu that provides a major assist to the Indo-Pacific region.

Gen. Robert B. Brown, U.S. Army Pacific commanding general since 2016, said the conference that involves more than 25 nations allows attendees to get more done in three days than if they had traveled the region for two years, and is something the Army couldn’t do on its own. “We could certainly never do an event like this,” he said. “We could never pull it off.”

LANPAC Wraps up Look at Indo-Pacific Challenges

LANPAC Wraps up Look at Indo-Pacific Challenges

Almost 1,600 people – including 60 industry exhibitors and representatives of 26 armies – took part in LANPAC 2018, a timely discussion of landpower challenges in the Indo-Asia theater that ended just as President Donald Trump called off a June summit with North Korea.

Vietnam War Essay Winner Honored at LANPAC

Vietnam War Essay Winner Honored at LANPAC

Punahou School Army Junior ROTC Cadet Emily Wu was recognized at the Association of the U.S. Army’s LANPAC Symposium and Exposition for being the national first-place award winner in an essay contest sponsored by the Vietnam War Commemoration, a U.S. government group formed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the war.

Gen. Robert B. Brown, U.S. Army Pacific commanding general, presented Wu with a Defense Department certificate of appreciation for winning the essay contest.

Townsend on Mosul Lessons for Future Megacity Conflicts

Townsend on Mosul Lessons for Future Megacity Conflicts

The Iraqi city of Mosul would never be mistaken as a megacity, but there are lessons in the nine-month battle to retake it that are worth considering as the U.S. Army prepares for the possibility of urban warfare, says Gen. Stephen J. Townsend, Army Training and Doctrine Command commanding general.

Multi-Domain Battle Gets a New Operational Name

Multi-Domain Battle Gets a New Operational Name

The term “Multi-Domain Battle” is changing, the commanding general of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command announced May 22.

Speaking via video conference to the Association of the U.S. Army’s LANPAC conference in Honolulu, Gen. Stephen J. Townsend said the new, preferred new phrase is “Multi-Domain Operations.” It is more inclusive of the type of competition that is now underway between the U.S. and other nations, big and small.

LANPAC 2018 Focuses on Indo-Pacific Challenges

LANPAC 2018 Focuses on Indo-Pacific Challenges

Gen. Robert B. Brown, U.S. Army Pacific commanding general since April 26, said multilateral operations “are really the way to go” in all future military operations, in peace and in war.

“The future is multilateral. None of us can go it alone. It does not make sense for any of us to try to go it alone,” Brown said in opening remarks at LANPAC, a symposium and exposition hosted in Honolulu by the Association of the U.S. Army’s Institute of Land Warfare. “You will hear me say this again and again.”

U.S. Army Has Major Role in Indo-Pacific Theater

U.S. Army Has Major Role in Indo-Pacific Theater

The U.S. Army has an important national security role in the Indo-Pacific Theater, Army leaders told Congress.

Their May 15 testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee came as the Association of the U.S. Army prepares to host LANPAC 2018 in Honolulu, a symposium and exhibition focused on land forces in the Pacific. A three-day event, LANPAC begins Tuesday, May 22.

Click here for LANPAC details: