Petraeus: Conflict Requires Strong Strategic Leadership

book cover and headshot of David Petraeus
Petraeus: Conflict Requires Strong Strategic Leadership

In his new book, retired Gen. David Petraeus explores the evolution of selected conflicts between World War II and the ongoing fights in Ukraine and Gaza and lays out the importance of military strategic leadership.

During a webinar hosted May 9 by the Association of the U.S. Army as part of its Noon Report series, Petraeus points out that conflict begins with political strategic leadership that must be executed with strong military strategic leadership, beginning with four tasks.

AUSA Webinar Examines Russia’s ‘Grand Strategy’

Russian soldiers
AUSA Webinar Examines Russia’s ‘Grand Strategy’

The Association of the U.S. Army is hosting a webinar on what could be driving Russia’s actions along its border with Ukraine.

“Understanding Russia’s Grand Strategy” will begin at 2 p.m. Eastern on Feb. 24. This special edition of AUSA’s Noon Report webinar series will feature Andrew Monaghan, director of the Russia Research Network.

The event is free, but registration is required here.

The United States in Afghanistan: Implications for Future U.S. Strategy Development


In Brief

  • A strategy is rarely finished; it is a continuous process involving senior representatives of the federal government, agencies and departments, and it must incorporate the advice of functional experts, synchronize the tools of national power and coordinate the application of finite resources to achieve political objectives.
  • Developing viable political strategic objectives is a reciprocal negotiation between political desires and demands and the reality of what can