AUSA resolutions formulate AUSA’s legislative agenda

AUSA resolutions formulate AUSA’s legislative agenda

Friday, May 29, 2015

As a member-based organization, the Association of the United States Army annually solicits proposed resolutions from its membership.Throughout the spring and summer months, individual members and chapters are invited to submit proposed resolutions aimed at enhancing the Army – its equipment, capabilities, and the quality of life of its soldiers and their families.AUSA standing advisory committees are also asked for resolutions.The Council of Trustees appoints the national Resolutions Committee at its spring quarterly meeting.The committee is appointed from nominations received from throughout the Association.Every effort is made to select, from qualified nominees, a committee that maximizes representation of the Association – geographically, demographically and from internal membership groups.The committee reviews the proposed resolutions and makes recommendations for inclusion in the final resolutions.The resolutions are published on the Internet at the AUSA website ( and in pamphlet form.The pamphlets are distributed to every member of Congress, congressional oversight committees, Pentagon officials, and AUSA chapters.Throughout the year, the resolutions serve as a guide in formulating AUSA’s legislative agenda.Our goal is to make the resolutions process and the resolutions as relevant as possible.Why are resolutions important?We are a member-based organization, and input from those who make up AUSA – active, reserve, guard, retired, veteran, civilian, and the Army family – is instrumental in determining what direction the Association will take in the coming year.We rely on input from all our members, from general to private, to tell us what issues are important. AUSA looks to its members to provide guidance – and we urge all members to become part of this process.One of AUSA’s important activities is to support the Army by lobbying the United States Congress.Through face-to-face meetings, letters, testimony and phone calls, we ensure that your representatives on Capitol Hill understand the important issues facing the Army.In order to aid us in this effort we need you to tell us what issues are important to you.What can you do?The box found on Page 18 contains directions for submitting proposed resolutions to the 2015 committee, and the box on Page 21 shows the members of the Resolutions Committee.Take a few minutes and tell us what you would like to see AUSA do for you in the upcoming year. We can address your concerns only when you let us know what they are.So take some time, submit a resolution, and work with us to help develop our objectives for next year.