Former Sgt. Kyle J. White said that when he accepts the Medal of Honor from President Barack Obama May 13, he will do so in honor of the five soldiers and one marine "who gave their lives in the defense of freedom and the American way of life."White spoke at a press conference April 23 at the National Guard Center in Charlotte, N.C., near where he now lives.White was just 20 when he was deployed to Afghanistan.On Nov. 9, 2007, his 14-man unit and squad of Afghan soldiers were brutally ambushed on three sides by Taliban fighters on a path descending from the village of Aranas into a valley."On...

Army Ten-Miler and GEICO officials announced that runners attending the Army Ten-Miler’s Pre-Race GEICO Pasta Dinner are in for a special event and experience.Highlighting the dinner, attendees will meet the senior enlisted leadership of the Army.Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond Chandler; Command Sgt. Maj. Brunk Conley, command sergeant major of the Army National Guard; and Command Sgt. Maj. Luther Thomas Jr., command sergeant major of the U.S. Army Reserve, will speak Oct. 11 at the race’s dinner.The 30th Annual Army Ten-Miler – with 35,000 runners registered – will be held on Sunday, Oct. 12...

The world should know about the service and sacrifice of the six service members who paid the ultimate price during the Battle of Aranas, nearly seven years ago, America’s newest Medal of Honor recipient said.Former Sgt. Kyle J. White was inducted into the Pentagon’s Hall of Heroes May 14, a day after receiving the Medal of Honor for his actions Nov. 9, 2007, outside the village of Aranas, Afghanistan."It was the worst day of my life," he said.The battle claimed the lives of five soldiers and a marine.The service members killed were Marine Corps Sgt. Phillip A. Bocks, Capt. Matthew C. Ferrara...

Former Sgt. Kyle Jerome White received the Medal of Honor from President Barack Obama at a White House ceremony May 13, making him the sixth living Army recipient, and the 14th from all services, to earn the medal in either Iraq or Afghanistan.Obama opened his remarks in the East Room by paying tribute not just to White, but to what he referred to as the "9/11 generation," – all those young citizens who came forth after Sept. 11, 2001, to volunteer their service knowing full well what the cost could be."For more than 12 years, with our nation at war, the men and women of our armed forces have...

In honor of both Military Spouse Appreciation Day, May 9, and Mother’s Day, May 11, the Marriott Marquis Washington, DC, the district’s newest and largest hotel that opened its doors May 1, partnered with the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) to honor exceptional military moms and families.On Saturday, May 10, the hotel welcomed more than 100 military moms and their families – over 300 persons – for AUSA’s first ever Military Moms Mother’s Day Brunch.Military families from the Greater Washington Area were treated to a brunch prepared by Executive Chef Matthew Morrison.Guest speakers...

AUSA’s Institute of Land Warfare (ILW) has recently released a new publication."U.S. Army Integrated Air and Missile Defense Capabilities: Enabling Joint Force 2020 and Beyond" (Torchbearer National Security Report, May 2014) discusses the Army’s globally deployed forces that defend against potential adversaries’ asymmetric capabilities.This paper illustrates the rapidly evolving threat environment and analyzes the progress that Army integrated air and missile defense (IAMD) forces have achieved against the threat.Over the past 100 years, potential adversaries have keenly observed the forward...

Army civilian Carl E. Marchlewicz demonstrated selfless service when he was off the clock last year: he didn’t even think twice before running into a burning home to rescue six children.Marchlewicz was recently honored at a Pentagon ceremony with the 2014 Secretary of the Army Award for Valor.Under Secretary of the Army Brad R. Carson said he is inspired by what the military and civilian workforce has accomplished, especially under "crushing fiscal constraints, forcing the Army’s soldiers and civilians to do so much more, with so much less."The Army has awesome global responsibilities...

We’ve been to war, continue in war, on the back of the industrial base," the Army Materiel Command’s (AMC)top leader told an influential audience gathered Tuesday, at the Association of the United States Army’s Sustainment "Hot Topic" forum.Closing a day of discussion and dialogue between current and retired Army and industry leaders, Gen. Dennis L. Via, AMC commander, stressed partnership, collaboration and communication with industry as the key to navigating the challenging times currently faced by the Army."The decisions we’re making today will directly translate to the type of Army we’ll...

Getting audited is something most taxpayers admit they dread. But those same citizens might be heartened to know that government agencies that receive their tax dollars are audited just the same, to ensure that money is properly spent.The Army and the rest of the Defense Department are on notice from Congress that they will be audited soon.Robert M. Speer, acting assistant secretary of the Army for financial management and comptroller, said the impending review is something the services should be looking forward to.Speer spoke at the Association of the U.S. Army’s Hot Topic "Sustaining Force...

Army and industry leaders discussed the important role of contracting in support of future forces in a panel May 20 in Arlington, Va.The "Contractors in Support of Force 2025" panel took place during an Army sustainment Hot Topic forum, hosted by the Association of the United States Army’s Institute of Land Warfare.Chaired by U.S. Army Materiel Command Deputy Commanding General Lt. Gen. Patricia McQuistion, the panel included leaders from Army Materiel Command; the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology; the joint staff; and industry.The members...

I truly understand we want the pointy end of the spear and a lot of trigger pullers … But just saying ‘reduce the tail, reduce the tail’" is a risky proposition.Lt. Gen. Raymond V. Mason, deputy chief of staff, G-4, was referring to a "tooth-to-tail" ratio with the tail being logistics supporting the infantry.He delivered his remarks at the Association of the U.S. Army’s "Sustaining Force 2025" seminar in May.Like many things in life, he said the ratio involves a trade-off."There are a lot of innovative things that can be done to reduce the tail, but just cutting it and taking out capability...

The annual slog to completion of the defense authorization and appropriation legislation has begun.The House Armed Services Committee has completed its markup and the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs has marked up its bill.If the House Armed Services Committee has anything to say about it, many of the proposals outlined in the president’s budget request for Fiscal Year 2015 are dead on arrival.Despite heavy lobbying from DoD officials on the proposals, committee members were not sold. Instead, it is apparent that they, too, will wait for the...

Significant progress was made on the fiscal 2015 National Defense Authorization Act after the House passed its version, 325-98, and the full Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) marked up its version. While the House bill largely rejected all of DoD’s proposed cost-cutting measures, the SASC mark would allow some.Here is a breakdown of DoD’s proposals and the House and Senate’s positions:TRICAREDoD – Consolidate the three plans – Prime, Standard & Extra – offered under the TRICARE health care system and implement enrollment fees for TRICARE-For-Life beneficiaries.House – No consolidation or...

Logistics innovations are needed "to match the advances that we’re trying to make with our combat forces," the Army vice chief of staff, Gen. John F. Campbell, said.If those advances are not made, "we’ll fall short of our strategic objectives," Campbell added during opening remarks at the Association of the U.S. Army’s "Sustaining Force 2025" Hot Topic held in Arlington, Va., May 20.Sustainment is in a critical period of transition, coming out of more than 12 years of war, he said.The past was marked by an over reliance on contractors doing maintenance work that soldiers used to do, and a...

The Sullivan Cup Competition pits the best tanks crews across different branches of service and nationalities against one another in a grueling, weeklong physical and mental challenge.The payoff – to be named the best tank crew.The competition is named for Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan, USA, Ret., president of the Association of the United States Army and the 32nd Army chief of staff.On May 15, "Panther" soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, took their place in front of their peers and leaders as they were named the victors of...