Recently I testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee concerning the enormous burden that sequestration has imposed on our defense forces.I want to share some of what I said with you because I want you in the fight to end sequestration.I believe our Congress must hear from the grassroots – from you and me – so that they clearly will understand the irrationality of continuing the budget process under the shadow of sequestration.Here is some of what I told the members of the committee:"AUSA is keenly aware that Congress and the administration have had to make difficult choices while...

The Army’s "Soldier for Life" website is designed to be a new online home for retired soldiers.The Army’s web portal "Army Knowledge Online" – better known as "AKO" – has been available to retirees and family members for many years.However, the Army is transitioning to a more secure enterprise network for business users – soldiers, Army civilians and contractors.Retirees will continue to be able to access important information about the Army, and information pertaining to health, retirement, employment and education benefits online at E. Overberg, the deputy...

Slowing the growth of military pay and housing allowances, reducing commissary subsidies and adjusting TRICARE costs will save $31 billion over the next five years and enable readiness to be maintained, senior leaders told lawmakers."First, we are not advocating direct cuts to troops’ pay," Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said May 12 at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on military compensation.Odierno testified along with his counterparts from the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin E. Dempsey.Under the proposed Fiscal Year 2015 budget...


By: Company-level Leaders
For: Company-level Leaders

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The Vilseck, Germany-based 2nd Cavalry Regiment deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan, from July 2013 through April 2014, serving under the 4th Infantry Division Headquarters. The unit arrived in grueling 120-degree heat at the height of the fighting season and took over the battle space previously covered by two brigades. Although the regiment’s leaders shared the same overall mission, the specific tasks each leader performed varied widely from unit to unit. For example, some leaders advised Afghan National Security Forces...

In a national security environment characterized by austerity and budget constraints, the idea of preventing future conflicts takes on new importance. Large-scale counterinsurgency and stability operations require a considerable amount of manpower and resources. A smaller Army in particular will present serious challenges for both policymakers and military leaders. In Phase 0—the first phase of the military operations continuum, in which friendly relationships and alliances are forged or strengthened and/or potential adversaries are deterred—shaping the operating environment will become...

In a national security environment characterized by austerity and budget constraints, the idea of preventing future conflicts takes on new importance. Large-scale counterinsurgency and stability operations require a considerable amount of manpower and resources. A smaller Army in particular will present serious challenges for both policymakers and military leaders. In Phase 0—the first phase of the military operations continuum, in which friendly relationships and alliances are forged or strengthened and/or potential adversaries are deterred—shaping the operating environment will become...

In an Army with proud traditions and adherence to proven practices, culture change can be difficult, even when it is the commander in chief pushing the reform. Army leadership’s slow but ultimate acceptance of President Harry Truman’s 1948 order to desegregate the military set the stage and pattern for other culture changes, including the continuing integration of women into the ranks and recent acceptance of openly serving gays.Desegregation took years to accomplish, but by the fall of 1953, 95 percent of black soldiers were serving in integrated units. The last all-black military unit was...

In an Army with proud traditions and adherence to proven practices, culture change can be difficult, even when it is the commander in chief pushing the reform. Army leadership’s slow but ultimate acceptance of President Harry Truman’s 1948 order to desegregate the military set the stage and pattern for other culture changes, including the continuing integration of women into the ranks and recent acceptance of openly serving gays.Desegregation took years to accomplish, but by the fall of 1953, 95 percent of black soldiers were serving in integrated units. The last all-black military unit was...

The Army wants to keep soldiers and their families out of the doctor’s office, not by denying them care but by creating a healthier population needing less treatment.It is a balancing act, not like a circus act with someone juggling bayonets and hand grenades, but one of trying to make certain people get the care they need and provide preventive care by advocating healthy living and better decisionmaking to improve well-being.AUSA Join ButtonCalled a System for Health, this is different from standard health programs because it concentrates on what Army Surgeon General Lt. Gen. Patricia D. Horoho refers to as...

In February 2004, two bright Army analysts wrote an article published in ARMY Magazine about the need for a culture of innovation because of the risks of war. “Failure does not mean Chapter 11 and an updated resume,” wrote then-Brig. Gen. David A. Fastabend and defense analyst Robert H. Simpson. “Failure means death and destruction for ourselves, our comrades and all that we cherish.” Their groundbreaking discussion called for a cultural change to advance the importance of innovation. Indeed, the Army has innovated and developed new warfighting capabilities, in large part because the nation...

In February 2004, two bright Army analysts wrote an article published in ARMY Magazine about the need for a culture of innovation because of the risks of war. “Failure does not mean Chapter 11 and an updated resume,” wrote then-Brig. Gen. David A. Fastabend and defense analyst Robert H. Simpson. “Failure means death and destruction for ourselves, our comrades and all that we cherish.” Their groundbreaking discussion called for a cultural change to advance the importance of innovation. Indeed, the Army has innovated and developed new warfighting capabilities, in large part because the nation...

In December 1941, an Army colonel was dispatched to Hawaii by Army Chief of Staff Gen. George C. Marshall. His mission was to assess the operational and strategic situation in the wake of the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor. Highly regarded for his intellectual acumen and strategic vision, the colonel was Marshall’s pick as the next Chief of War Plans, and a general’s star was already in his future. Departing for the Pacific, the colonel’s plane left from Mitchel Field, New York, but it crashed en route. There were no survivors.The colonel was Charles W. Bundy, and his death seemed calamitous...

In December 1941, an Army colonel was dispatched to Hawaii by Army Chief of Staff Gen. George C. Marshall. His mission was to assess the operational and strategic situation in the wake of the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor. Highly regarded for his intellectual acumen and strategic vision, the colonel was Marshall’s pick as the next Chief of War Plans, and a general’s star was already in his future. Departing for the Pacific, the colonel’s plane left from Mitchel Field, New York, but it crashed en route. There were no survivors.The colonel was Charles W. Bundy, and his death seemed calamitous...


Master Sgt. Chris Pair proved it is not just being in the right place at the right time that makes a difference, but also having the right training. The 33-year-old telecommunications operations chief helped save the lives of two teenagers who were involved in a February 15 truck accident in Sumter, S.C., using his Army first-responder and combat lifesaver training.

The Camden, S.C., resident did not see the accident on Highway 261, but he showed up shortly after the pickup truck had flipped over and landed upside down in a ditch.

“My first reaction when I saw the car, because of...

Folks, I want to clarify my rationale for AUSA’s opposing the use of a commission to determine Army force structure.There are several reasons why I believe it is unnecessary, in addition to the rationale I expressed in my letter to congressional leaders.Here are some additional thoughts.First, the Army Chief of Staff has consulted with National Guard leaders at the NGB, ARNG, and TAG levels throughout the process of proposing the appropriate mix of active component, National Guard and Army Reserve manpower and force structure.Many Guardsmen are probably not aware of this, but the CSA can...