Highly specialized military network technology experts, Network Operations warrant officers, played a key role in keeping the network strong as its capabilities were stressed and evaluated during the major operational test of the second generation of the Army’s tactical communications network backbone."One of the biggest things that we tested during the operational test was the on-the-move capability, which can be monitored in real time," said Warrant Officer 1 Eric Bache, Signal Corps Network Operations, or NetOps, for the 2nd Brigade, 1st Armored Division.Adding, "We tested the capabilities...

You can’t make this stuff up! "The truth of the matter is the spiraling cost of health care requires us to adjust some fees and co-pays – fees and co-pays that really have not been adjusted since the TRICARE program was put into place in 1994."That is what Dr. Jonathan Woodson, assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs said about the Defense Department’s plan to raise TRICARE fees.However, a recent reprogramming request from DoD to Congress tells a different story.The request included an appeal to reprogram $708 million in excess funds from the Defense Health Program to "higher...

Experts from U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) discussed the Network Integration Evaluations and Agile Process during the Virginia Peninsula Gen. Douglas MacArthur Chapter of the Association of the United States Army professional development forum in Williamsburg.NIE’s are semi-annual evaluations by the Brigade Modernization Command (BMC) at Fort Bliss, Texas, and are a part of Agile Process, the Army’s new quick-reaction acquisition method to address distinct capability gaps and insert new technologies into the overall network at a lower cost."We are trying to do things...

The secretary of the Army, John McHugh, spoke to soldiers of the 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, during a walkthrough of the 1st Battalion, 35th Armored Regiment’s tactical assembly area at Fort Bliss, Texas.The 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, under the guidance of the Brigade Modernization Command, is currently undergoing the third in a series of soldier-led, capabilities assessments and integration called the network integration evaluation, or NIE 12.2, during which they will provide feedback on network and non-network capabilities in order to...

Stretched across vast distances and punishing terrain, the Army’s new tactical communications network showed its promise as a combat enabler during the service’s Network Integration Evaluation 12.2, soldiers and leaders said.With the 3,800 soldiers of the 2nd Brigade, 1st Armored Division (2/1 AD) conducting a rigorous, intelligence-driven operational scenario against a battalion-sized opposing force, the network allowed them to rapidly pass information across echelons – from the brigade tactical operations center down to the individual soldier.The integrated package of radios, satellite...

The Department of Defense identified four units to deploy as part of the upcoming rotation of forces operating in Afghanistan.The scheduled rotation, released June 7, involves one brigade combat team with more than 3,000 personnel to rotate in late Spring 2012; one brigade combat team with more than 2,950 personnel and one combat aviation brigade with more than 2,580 to rotate in late Fall 2012; and one combat aviation brigade with more than 2,500 personnel to rotate in early Winter 2012.The deploying units include:4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Kan. (deploys in...

On the morning of the Army’s 237th birthday, the air bordered on chilly at Arlington National Cemetery.

Starting May 15, unemployed veterans between the ages of 35 and 60 can now apply for new benefits to cover education costs for up to one year through a joint Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Labor (DoL) program that focuses on retraining 99,000 veterans for high-demand jobs."This important tool will help those who served our country receive the education and training they need to find meaningful employment in a high-demand field," Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki said."Our veterans have made this nation stronger through their service, and they deserve our...

The immense ballroom at the Washington Hilton had a special haze as beams of light cut through the air and crisscrossed the room, lighting up tables and soldiers dressed in their military finest.All the tables were decked out with formal place settings, stemware, neatly folded linen napkins, and a military coin in a folded card that commemorated the Army’s 237th birthday and the 2012 Army Birthday Ball June 16, capping off a week of celebration across the force.This was a spectacular evening in the nation’s capital – an event where the Army celebrates both its heritage and the soldiers who are...

Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh and the Army vice chief of staff, Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, went to Capitol Hill to share with Sen. Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii, and Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., a birthday cake in celebration of the Army’s 237th birthday.Before introducing McHugh, Austin opened the cake-cutting celebration with a reminder to soldiers, family members and Senate staffers that leadership was "not focused on the institution itself, but [on] the people, because the Army is about people ... not the weapons, not the vehicles. It’s about our people and I know the same is true for our...

The United States Army celebrates its 237th birthday on June 14.In the spring of 1775, a group of militiamen came together from various New England colonies to confront British troops near Boston, Massachusetts.Recognizing the need for a professional American force, our nation’s leaders established the Continental Army on June 14, 1775.This began our Army’s rich heritage of successfully defending this great country and her citizens.George Washington received his appointment as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army the next day, and formally took command at Boston on July 3, 1775.Throughou...

Army birthday week is about recognizing more than two centuries of soldiers defending freedom, and about saying thank you to those Americans who have ceaselessly supported them in the effort.The Army celebrated its 237th birthday June 14.The birthday week, Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh said during a reception before a Twilight Tattoo at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Va., June 12, is to "provide us each year the opportunity to pause and celebrate our incredible traditions – 237 years of going out, heeding the call, wherever that call is heard ... protecting freedom and defending...

Changes ahead for TRICARE pharmacy beneficiaries. One way or another TRICARE pharmacy fees are going to increase starting in Fiscal Year 2013. By how much they will increase in FY 2013, and how much they will increase in the out-years is the question.The defense budget for Fiscal Year 2013 called for co-pays for a 30-day supply of brand name drugs in the retail network to climb from $12 to $26 until reaching $34 in Fiscal Year 2017.Co-pays for brand name drugs obtained by mail order, now $9 for a 90-day supply, also would climb to $26 and rise steadily to $34 by 2017. Generic drugs obtained...

Possible increases in TRICARE premiums and changes to military retired pay were the Army Chief of Staff’s Retiree Council’s top two concerns when the council co-chairmen, Lt. Gen. Frederick E. Vollrath, USA, Ret., and Sgt. Maj. of the Army Kenneth O. Preston, USA, Ret., briefed the chief of staff, Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, at the conclusion of the council’s annual meeting held at the Pentagon from April 23 to 27.The 14 members of the council represent over one million retirees and surviving spouses worldwide.Council members are retired from the active Army, the Army Reserve and the Army...

The 2011 AUSA Annual Meeting and Exposition with over 30,000 attendees was arguably the best ever.But then I say that every year.The reason I say this is because it’s true. It just seems to get bigger and better every year.And, this year is shaping up to be another great event.We have again this year invited the U.S. Army Drill Sergeants, Army Recruiters of the Year and the AIT Platoon Sergeant of the Year to be our special guests for the 2012 Annual Meeting.This elite group of noncommissioned officers is the common denominator in the lives of soldiers.Every soldier – past, present and future...