A former U.S. Army chief of staff thanked U.S. Soldiers in South Korea for upholding America’s commitment to security on the Korean Peninsula and stability in Northeast Asia.Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan, USA, Ret., the 32nd Army chief of staff and the current president of the Association of the United States Army, was the guest speaker at the U.S. Army Birthday Ball at the Seoul Grand Hyatt June 12."It’s great to be back in Korea," Sullivan, who served in Korea during the 1960s, said.Adding, "The Asia Pacific region is once again growing in importance politically, economically and militarily, and...

The start of the school year can bring changes and new opportunities for success.For military families, new schools and new routines are part and parcel of the lifestyle.Transition can often be a positive in the development of military children, but it also brings its share of unique challenges to their educational careers.According to the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3): "Military families move between postings on a regular basis and, while reassignments can often be a boon for career personnel, this can be difficult for the children of military families."The average...

Many children might say the only thing matching the excitement of a birthday celebration is the chance to kick off the party earlier than scheduled.For soldiers from the U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern, including the 21st Theater Support Command, the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, and others, an early celebration began with a three-mile run held at Rhine Ordnance Barracks, June 8.The event, officially known as the "Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers Army Birthday Run," attracted more than 600 participants.While the traditional birthday of the U.S. Army is recognized on June...

On the Army’s 237th birthday the Chief of Staff toured New York City to tell the Army’s story and thanked Americans for their support of the American soldier.

The Army’s top civilian and its top enlisted soldier kicked off Army birthday week June 11 by visiting Mount Vernon in Northern Virginia, and placing a wreath at the tomb of Gen. George Washington and his wife Martha.Visitors gathered at the ceremony while the wreath was placed inside the tomb and Taps was sounded.Secretary of the Army John McHugh, Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond F. Chandler III and Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association Regent Ann Bookout, moved to the tomb grove to give remarks followed McHugh’s presentation of three Purple Heart medals to Pfc. Eddie Munoz, Spc. Michael Maynard and...

The men’s division winner of this year’s 16th Annual Fort Bragg Army Birthday 10-Miler averaged nearly a six-minute mile, and led the pack of more than 2,000 runners from a route that began on Longstreet Road and ended in Hedrick Stadium.Spc. David Kemboi, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 5th Battalion, 1st Special Warfare Training Group, finished with a time of 56 minutes, 59 seconds."It’s the first competitive run I’ve done in five years," Kemboi said, who previously sustained a knee injury and is a three-year Army veteran.The native Kenyan said he has enjoyed his years of military...

Command Sgt. Maj. Dan Elder, USA, Ret., a senior fellow of the Association of the United States Army and a former command sergeant major with the Army Materiel Command, has been selected to be inducted into the U.S Army’s Ordnance Corps Hall of Fame.The Hall of Fame was established to recognize and memorialize persons who have made a positive, significant contribution to the U.S. Army Ordnance Corps.A recipient of the Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharp, the first Army Knowledge Management Pioneer Award, the Distinguished Service Medal, two Legions of Merit, four Meritorious Service Medals and the...

Army Retirement Services, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, Headquarters, Department of the Army, provides information on benefits and entitlements to active duty soldiers and families preparing for retirement and to retired soldiers and families through Army Retirement Services Officers (RSO).In accordance with AR 600-8-7, Army Retirement Services develops Army policy and procedures for the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) program, publishes the Department of the Army bulletin for the retired soldier – "Echoes" – develops policy for the operation of the Army Retirement Services Program...

It is summer in Washington and the perennial problem of authorizing and funding our Army is in full flower.As I have reported, seemingly endlessly, defense authorization and appropriation legislation is moving forward in both houses of Congress at its usual slow pace.This year the process is overshadowed by the specter of defense sequestration that would cut enormous amounts of money out of the DoD budget, and seems destined not to be resolved until after the November presidential election.Nevertheless, the House version of the Defense Authorization Bill has been completed and voted on.At this...

AUSA’s Institute of Land Warfare (ILW) has recently released a new publication."A New Equipping Strategy: Modernizing the U.S. Army of 2020" (Torchbearer National Security Report, June 2012) explores the new campaign that the Army has undertaken to improve its responsiveness to 21st century battlefield demands while also preparing to overmatch potential adversaries in the distant future.Technological overmatch clearly proved to be a critical component of the operational and tactical supremacy demonstrated by the Army in Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm.But then, during the 1990s, the Army...

Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan, USA, Ret., president of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA), received the Andrew J. Goodpaster Award for his "distinguished career in the United States Army that concluded as the 32nd chief of staff and as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – and for his leadership of AUSA" as its president and chief operating officer.The award, presented by the George C. Marshall Foundation, honors the life and service of Gen. Andrew J. Goodpaster, a longtime trustee and chairman of the Marshall Foundation’s Board of Trustees, who was "a champion of the Marshall legacy...

We did it.The Association of the United States Army’s campaign against the Defense Department’s plan to increase or implement TRICARE fee increases was a resounding success.The Senate Armed Services Committee unanimously voted to prohibit the fee increases in its markup of the Fiscal Year 2013 Defense Authorization Bill.Similar language was included in the House bill passed on May 15.AUSA and its president, Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan, USA, Ret., saluted and thanked all Association members and friends who took the time to contact members of Congress over the past several months to let them know...

The Eighth Army commander signed a historic agreement June 6 with the commander of the Republic of Korea Army formation that serves along the Korean Demilitarized Zone.During an alliance festival in Yongin, South Korea, Lt. Gen. John D. Johnson signed the memorandum of agreement with Third Republic of Korea, or ROK, Army Commanding General Gen. Lee Hong-ki.The agreement is designed to enhance contingency and armistice combined operations capabilities and strengthen the alliance between the two armies.The agreement includes the formation of sister-unit relationships, combined live-fire training...

The Eighth Army commander said American troops in Korea will continue to play a critical role as the U.S. military shifts its focus to the Asia Pacific region.Lt. Gen. John D. Johnson talked about the growing importance of the Asia Pacific region during an address in early June to the students and faculty of Sungshin Women’s University in Seoul, the South Korean capital.Johnson also thanked Sungshin Women’s University for educating future leaders."Korea is one of the most important countries in one of the most important regions of the world," Johnson, who also serves as the chief of staff for...

Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta cautioned Congress June 13 against dismantling the strategic framework that supports the 2013 defense budget request.Testifying along with Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, before the Senate Appropriations Committee’s defense subcommittee, Panetta said some changes to the request could undermine the careful balance department leaders built into military spending projections."Some of the [congressional] committees have made changes with regard to our recommendations that we’re concerned about," Panetta said.He listed three areas DoD...