New ILW Torchbearer Alert: Administration’s FY2013 Budget Proposals for TRICARE, Military RetirementAUSA’s Institute of Land Warfare has recently released a new publication."Breaking the Faith" (Torchbearer Alert, February 2012) summarizes the administration’s Fiscal Year 2013 budget proposals to increase health care fees and reconsider the structure of the military retirement system.The administration’s proposed fee hikes for all retirees’ TRICARE access are unprecedented. For many military retirees under age 65, annual fees for TRICARE Prime would triple or quadruple by 2017; TRICARE...

The Army announced its intent today to open six occupational specialties and more than 13,000 positions to women.These six military occupational specialties, or MOSs, were previously closed to women because they were normally co-located with direct combat units.They are:13M Multiple Launch Rocket System crewmember13P MLRS Operations/Fire Detection Specialist13R Field Artillery Firefinder Radar Operator Specialist91A M1 Abrams Tank System Maintainer91M Bradley Fighting Vehicle System Maintainer91P Artillery MechanicDoD officials said at a Pentagon press conference Feb. 9 that they have notified...

President’s budget for Fiscal Year 2013 released. At least we now know where we stand.After weeks of speculation, President Obama formally released the details of his budget request for fiscal 2013. The budget would provide $525 billion for the Defense Department’s base budget which is a 1.1 percent reduction from what Congress approved for Fiscal Year 2012. It would also provide $88.5 billion for overseas operations.After reading the details of the budget request, there are several things we like, but unfortunately, even more to dislike. The President’s Budget proposes to:The GoodProvide a...

The Army chief of staff said the Army will attempt to provide better support to combatant commanders – the Department of Defense-level commands responsible for U.S. military interests across large areas of the globe.Now, the Army may assign units, within the Army Force Generation Model’s reset, train and available phases, to specific combatant commanders, Gen. Raymond T. Odierno said Feb. 24 during the Association of the U.S. Army’s Institute of Land Warfare Winter Symposium and Exposition."We will adjust the process where active duty and reserve component units advance through a reset phase...

Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III was sworn in as the Army’s 33rd vice chief of staff during a ceremony at Joint Base Myer – Henderson Hall, Jan. 31.Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh administered the oath of office and then thanked Austin for his outstanding service and dedication to the Army."I expect Lloyd to continue his leadership and advocacy on behalf of soldiers and their families, just as he has in virtually every other assignment he’s held," said McHugh.Adding, "Lloyd Austin has always led from the front, led by example – not just telling soldiers, but showing soldiers the right way – the...

Following the active Army component, the Missouri National Guard is pushing its soldiers to be more all-around physically fit as opposed to simply being able to pass the Army Physical Fitness Test."The Army found that after 10 years of war, soldiers are getting broken," Capt. Ken Huenink, the Missouri National Guard’s state fitness coordinator, said.Adding, "The injury rate for backs and knees was through the roof."The guard’s most recent Unit Fitness Coordinator Course focuses on this type of training to help get this new information back to its units."A lot of it is about functional fitness...

 Ground forces will remain important to the U.S. defense strategy, but the employment of the forces will change, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said Jan 12.In an interview on his way to Fort Bliss, Texas, aboard a military aircraft, Panetta said that the Army will withdraw two brigade combat teams from Europe, while retaining a strong presence in the region via rotational units.The change is part of a new, 10-year defense strategy announced by President Barack Obama last that emphasizes air-sea doctrine to better allow the United States to confront more than one threat at a time, Panetta...

The Chief of Staff of the Army’s Retiree Council was established Nov. 10, 1971, as an Intra-Army Departmental committee in accordance with Army Regulations which also provide guidance for the council’s responsibilities and activities.The Army chief of staff appoints retired soldiers to serve one four-year term, but may extend terms as necessary.Retired soldiers appointed to serve on the council are recalled to active duty in accordance with U.S. Code, Title 10 to attend the annual meeting that will be held this year on April 23 to 27 in the Pentagon.The council meets at least annually at the...

The Association of the United States Army (AUSA) was established in 1950 with the mission to assist America’s Army and support our soldiers in their commitment to protecting our nation’s freedom and security.The AUSA Family Programs Directorate was established in 1999 with the mission: Focus on the needs of the Army family by providing information, resources, assistance and representation.The Family Programs staff is dedicated to helping our families become better prepared to cope with and manage the many challenges of military life and to support them as the needs arise."Supporting" our...

We have been an Army at war for the past decade. Our Army has proven itself in what I consider to be the most difficult conditions this nation has ever faced. I can proudly boast that this incredible Army is truly one Army. Like no other time in recent history, the synergy between our components – Active, Guard, and Reserve – as well as the relationship between Special Operations Forces and conventional forces is as strong as it has ever been, bonded together by a decade of war.We will work together as we move forward to ensure that these bonds stay very strong.Our leaders’ focus and our...

Congress approves changes to TRICARE dental program for survivors. Congress recently passed legislation that affects the TRICARE Dental Program (TDP) survivor benefits. The TDP survivor benefit is now available to a larger segment of the military population and provides extended care to children of survivors.Here are some of the key changes:Survivors do not need to have prior enrollment in the TDP at the time of the sponsor’s death to receive the TDP Survivor Benefit. In the past, enrollment was required to be eligible for benefits.Surviving children are eligible to receive survivor benefits...

"I deeply appreciate the opportunity to address this conference – yours is the first service organization that I’ve addressed as Secretary of Defense."My own life in public service began when I served two years as an Army intelligence officer, that was over 40 years ago, where I learned what it meant to work together to achieve a common mission."So I have a deep and abiding respect for the United States Army and all it has done to defend our great country, for the past decade and for the past 236 years of the Army’s history." Secretary of Defense Leon PanettaAUSA Annual Meeting Special Session...

This report describes the life cycle of AUSA’s grassroots work from the creation of the Association’s annual resolutions to the creation of the next set of resolutions.The resolutions are produced annually, and act as the basis for our legislative objectives for the year.Chapters or individual members may submit proposed resolutions until July of each year.The National Resolutions Committee membership, usually numbering about 14 AUSA members, is nominated by chapters and approved by the Council of Trustees.The committee meets in Washington for three days before the Annual Meeting, and receives...

Nominations to serve on the Association of the United States Army’s Council of Trustees were submitted by the national nominating committee to the council for consideration at its meeting at AUSA headquarters in late January.Four serving council members, Marillyn Hewson, Maj. Gen. Patricia P. Hickerson, USA, Ret., Dennis A. Muilenburg and Gen. Carl E. Vuono, USA, Ret., were nominated to serve as trustees for three-year terms.A new nominee, Robert T. Murphy, was nominated to serve his first three-year term.In addition, Thomas W. Rabaut, deputy chairman and chief executive officer, was nominated...

"I deeply appreciate the opportunity to address this conference – yours is the first service organization that I’ve addressed as Secretary of Defense."My own life in public service began when I served two years as an Army intelligence officer, that was over 40 years ago, where I learned what it meant to work together to achieve a common mission."So I have a deep and abiding respect for the United States Army and all it has done to defend our great country, for the past decade and for the past 236 years of the Army’s history." Secretary of Defense Leon PanettaAUSA Annual Meeting Special Session...