First, let me thank each of you who work tirelessly, representing our Soldiers, Civilians, and Families on Capitol Hill and educating senior civilian leaders about the needs of the force.The Association of the United States Army continues to play a huge role, lobbying for the equipment, pay, and benefits that help us maintain our place as the best Army in the world. For over 60 years, you have supported America’s Army, and for that I extend my thanks and appreciation.This month marks my first year as the Sergeant Major of the Army, and I can say without a doubt, I’m proud to be associated with...

Now in its 62nd year, the Association of the U.S. Army has been the "Voice for the Army – Support for the Soldier."AUSA has been educating the members of Congress and the general public on the critical issues that directly affect the men and women of the U.S. Army – and their families – who are proudly serving our country.AUSA membership is open to all Army components – active, Army National Guard and Army Reserve.Also retirees, veterans, government civilians, business men and women, industry representatives, military academy and ROTC cadets, family members and concerned citizens are invited...

After 10 years at war, the sacrifices of American soldiers and their families continue to be admired by the American public.The people’s respect and generosity, even in difficult economic times, remains one of the strengths of our nation.Despite this backing, military retirement and retiree health care programs are under attack by those who view the programs as "overly generous."With the physical and emotional burdens on our Army and its soldiers and families increasing during more than 10 years of war, we must be vigilant and vocal if we are to secure a respectable future for those who have...

The Army is looking for increased opportunities to partner with allies in Asia, including both Korea and Japan.Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Raymond T. Odierno recently returned from a trip to the Pacific region, including Korea and Japan, as well as other parts of Pacific Command to include Hawaii and Alaska.Odierno spoke Jan. 25 at a breakfast hosted by the Association of the United States Army’s Institute of Land Warfare in Arlington, Va.In Japan, the general met with the Japanese minister of defense and the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force commander."Both expressed their optimism and...

High school football stars, Army soldiers and wounded warriors from Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, gathered at the Alamodome Jan. 5 for a punt, pass and kick event held in conjunction with the U.S. Army All-American Bowl taking place Saturday Jan. 6.The game, in its 12th year, features high school football players from around the nation in an East versus West battle. The bowl also offers an opportunity for many of these players to announce where they will be playing college football."You meet a lot of amazing people out here. It’s more than you see on TV," Shane Callahan, a...

The Army’s 28th Annual Army Ten-Miler, the third largest 10-mile race in the world, is set for Oct. 21 at the Pentagon in Washington.Produced by the U.S. Army Military District of Washington, the annual Army Ten-Miler features a world class race that attracts over 30,000 runners.The event also has a two-day Health and Fitness EXPO with over 75 exhibitors and vendors and over 35,000 attendees.Acclaimed for its fast, scenic course – passing by many national landmarks and monuments in our nation’s Capital – the Army’s race is the only running event to start and finish at the Pentagon.Race...

The thunderous sound of a 21-gun salute echoed across Washington and Northern Virginia as Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli retired from the Army at a ceremony held Jan. 31 at Joint Base Myer – Henderson Hall.Chiarelli, who served in the Army for 40 years, was the service’s vice chief of staff for the past three years.The event was hosted by the Army chief of staff, Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, and attended by lawmakers, Department of Defense and Army officials and senior military officers.Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta used the Italian phrase "buon uomo," meaning "good man," to describe Chiarelli, a man...

Spending priorities in the forthcoming Fiscal Year 2013 defense budget request call for reductions in the end strength of the Army and Marine Corps, an increase in special operations forces and maintaining the number of big-deck carriers, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said Jan. 26 at the Pentagon.The Pentagon’s budget top-line request is set at $525 billion for fiscal 2013 with an additional $88.4 billion for overseas contingency operations – mostly in Afghanistan.This is down from $531 billion and $115 billion, respectively, in this fiscal year.Defense Department officials used the new...

The Army chief of staff released "Marching Orders – America’s Force of Decisive Action" Jan. 30 to the worldwide force."My intent," Gen. Raymond T. Odieno said in the Army publication, "is to sustain a high-quality All-Volunteer Army that remains the most decisive, responsive and effective land force in the world."According to Odierno, the Army must provide depth and versatility to the joint force, and is agile, responsive and effective for the combatant commanders while ensuring the necessary "flexibility for national security decision-makers in defense of the nation at home and abroad."Ensur...

The Army will remain capable through its planned drawdown of 80,000 soldiers and at least eight brigade combat teams, its chief of staff said.Gen. Raymond T. Odierno told reporters during a Pentagon news briefing Jan. 27 that he is comfortable with the cut in end strength because it reflects changing national security needs, and will be spread over six years."An Army of 490,000 in 2017 will be fundamentally different and more capable than the Army of 482,000 that we had in 2001," he said, noting that today’s troops are combat-seasoned from 10 years of war.The drop from the current 570,000...

As U.S. forces were leaving Iraq, they moved most of their equipment and assets out of the country, but they handed off some to the Department of State to support the diplomatic and security cooperation missions.The 402nd Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB) provided maintenance support for all Army equipment transitioned to the Department of State and the Office of Security Cooperation – Iraq.The 402nd have personnel at all State Department sites in Iraq, and they will establish maintenance hubs in three: Basrah, Kirkuk and Taji.There will be about 180 contracted personnel and a handful of...

"Echoes," the Army’s official 16-page newsletter for retired soldiers, surviving spouses, and their families, is published three times a year and mailed to more than 980,000 worldwide.Its purpose is to keep retired soldiers and family members up-to-date on their entitlements and benefits, keep them connected as part of the Army family, and to inspire goodwill and a desire to support the Army within their civilian communities.The Army Retirement Services Office has felt the impact of the current financial crisis.In anticipation of further budgetary cuts, in September 2011, the Army executed...

President Barack Obama signed the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act Dec. 31, while acknowledging "serious reservations" about parts of the act, particularly provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists."I have signed the act chiefly because it authorizes funding for the defense of the United States and its interests abroad, crucial services for service members and their families and vital national security programs that must be renewed," Obama said in a statement.The $662 billion act also contains critical initiatives to control spiraling...

1st Session of the 112th Congress ends.To do list for Congress:Pass the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2012. CheckFund the Defense Department for the remainder of fiscal 2012. CheckPermanently repeal the failed Medicare physician payment formula. FailWell then, provide another temporary patch so that physicians will not face a nearly 30 percent drop in reimbursement rates Jan. 1 when the current patch expires. FailBoth the Fiscal Year 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and the defense spending bill cleared Congress and as this publication is headed for the press.Mili...

A Message –Operation Iraqi Freedom/New Dawn The magnitude of what this nation and our soldiers have accomplished in Iraq is unprecedented."We have never been more proud of our Army – our soldiers, civilians and our families."You freed over twenty-five million people from tyranny and given hope when hope was forsaken. Our Army provided new opportunity for the people of Iraq. No other Army in the world could have accomplished what you have done – only American soldiers."Throughout Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn, our soldiers embodied physical and mental toughness and courage...