GWC Annual Plan

GWC Annual Plan

Annual Plan

1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021


Guidance: The particular business of the Association of the United States Army’s George Washington chapter shall be wholly educational, literary, scientific, fostering esprit de corps, dissemination of professional knowledge and the promotion of the efficiency of the Army components of the Armed Forces of our country.

  • The Chapter totally supports AUSA National’s Focus Areas for 2020. To Wit, “In 2020, the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) will advocate in support of our Focus Areas for the Total Army and our membership.
    • Total Army: Regular, National Guard, Reserve, Army civilians, families, veterans and retirees
    • AUSA membership: Individual members, National and Community Partners, and like-minded associations”

Focus Areas:

  • Putting People First
  • Strengthening the Total Army
  • Growing the Force

Chapter Overall Program (Annual Plan):  Program of meetings and activities for the Operational Year (OY) 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021.  GWC Chapter objectives include:

  • Provide and support activities that benefit Chapter membership and the Washington, D.C .Community.  Focus on continuing to energize the Chapter partnerships with U.S. Army Military District of Washington (MDW) Joint Forces Headquarters/National Capital Region (JFHQ-NCR), Army and  the DC National Guard units, Walter Reed Army Medical Center at the National Naval Medical Center, NCR Recruiting units, and ROTC units at the University of Maryland, Howard University and Georgetown University, and the District of Columbia JROTC units. 
    • Support Soldiers and their families to the greatest extent possible through various Chapter programs and outreach activities
    • Promote and increase individual and community partner involvement in Chapter activities
    • Improve Chapter communications via interpersonal relations, the Chapter’s social media outlets (Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), and the Base Camp Briefs Newsletter
    • Improve family support activities in the Chapter through outreach
    • Maintain Chapter of Excellence status; be awarded Best Chapter for 2021
    • Maintain and sustain “Eagle” status consistent with President’s Club entry criteria
    • Continue to translate AUSA’s professional and educational mission and objectives into Chapter programs
    • Enhance activities for Young Professionals


Proposed Activities (Chapter Programs)

  1. General Membership Meetings / Luncheons: 

Hold General Membership Meetings/Luncheons at least four times per year, typically quarterly.  These meetings are the responsibility of the Vice Presidents for Corporate Activities and Awards.  Convey the benefits of membership at every General Membership Meeting.  Routinely acknowledge and applaud Army uniform and civilian leadership, allied forces representatives, retirees, and industry sponsors/members for their continuing support to the Chapter, in particular, and the goals, objectives  and Focus Areas of the Association.

  1. The Schedule of the meetings, speakers and locations will be proposed by the VP of Corporate Activities and coordinated with the Executive Committee.
  2. A highlight of the year will be to honor our 2020 Commander-in-Chief awardee.  The person selected to receive the award is a highly regarded, prominent leader, current or former member of the Armed Forces, a past or present elected or appointed government official, or a leader in academic, business or community affairs.
  3. Another meeting will be devoted to awarding the Chapter’s Bolte, Campbell, Mologne, and Harry Greene Awards.


  1.  The Executive Committee (ExComm) Board of Advisors (BOA) Monthly Meeting
    1. The chapter leadership for OY 2020 - 2021 is as follows:  Dick Winter President; Karen Lowe  Executive Vice President; Bill Stramm Treasurer; Rudy Scott Secretary; Carl McNair, Ed Dauksz and Todd Hunter remain on the Board of Advisors as Past Presidents; Karen Lowe is Chairperson of the Board of Advisors.  A roster of all 2020-2021 Chapter Leadership Team is attached.
    2. Executive committee vacancies that occur during the year will be proposed by the President and approved by the Executive committee.
    3. New Executive committee positions may be established as required with the concurrence of the Executive Committee.


  1.  Membership Activities:  Membership continues to be a challenge.  The Chapter will continue to execute an aggressive and focused program in OY2020 - 2021 to identify, retain and recruit new and existing members across all categories of membership.  The overall GWC membership goal for OY 2020 - 2021 is to exceed National’s goals by 5 percent for a total of 8,000, currently the Chapter is well ahead on this goal.  However, the Chapter will be judged based upon the membership end strength as of end of the operational year. Growing and maintaining a robust and active membership requires the efforts of all GWC leadership and general members, however, specific responsibility for developing and executing the membership strategy rests with the Vice President for Membership and the Vice President for Community Partner Membership.  Both community partner and individual membership will be a significant area of interest for the Chapter President.
    1. Community Partner Membership:  In OY 2020 - 2021 we will renew efforts to retain and grow our community partner membership rolls.  This will be accomplished through a multi-pronged approach to actively manage and expand membership rolls.
      1. Track, identify and solicit membership renewals for current National and Community Partner members.  Goal: To renew all existing members and ensure realignment of other members in our geographical area to GWC Chapter.
      2. Research, identify, and solicit new community partner memberships.  Goal:  160.
    2. General Membership:  The GWC will evaluate all categories of general membership and will develop and execute plans targeted toward retention, recruiting and active participation of current and new members.  The following initiatives, while not inclusive, will be executed in 2020 – 2021;
      1. Ensure all current members with expiring membership have been actively solicited for renewal well in advance of their membership expiration.
      2. Conduct an annual membership drive leveraging an aggressive outreach program of activities for our Soldiers, DA Civilians, retirees, and their families.  The drive will begin in September 2020.
      3. Quarterly activities with the Military District of Washington (MDW) Command Sergeant Major (CSM) and senior NCO leadership will be included to foster a year-round support base for our general membership drive.
      4. Coordinate with AUSA’s Director of Regional Activities, to ensure that National  members use their 50 designated member slots, if unable to use, donate to the Chapter for assignment to appropriate soldiers.
      5. Provide membership materials at all Chapter events to include quarterly luncheons, Army Ten Miler, and other outreach activities.


  1. The Chapter President embraces these goals as a personal and critical challenge to the future vitality and relevance of the GWC and will receive assistance from the Executive Committee to realize these goals.


  1. Programs:  This will be a collaborative effort by the Chapter Executive Committee to  actively identify potential events and programs that support Soldiers and their families.  (subject to current environmental policies).


  1. ROTC:  The Chapter presents awards to Junior ROTC distinguished graduates of the local school districts and to Senior ROTC distinguished graduates in Military Science and Academics at the Georgetown, Howard and Maryland Universities.  This program helps to promote professionalism and pride within the unit, the Army and our great Nation.  Considerable efforts will be made to increase ROTC awareness of the benefits of AUSA membership.


  1. Young Professional Programs: The Chapter is totally committed to enhancing this program to reach out to the Chapter’s Young Professional population and encourage their participation as active members of the Chapter’s Young Professional Programs. This network of young professionals will surface to the Chapter level; best practices, recommendations, and issues affecting its young professional members.


  1. Golf Tournament:  During the OY2020 – 21, the GWC will host an annual Educational Scholarship Golf Tournament on 10 October 2020 (TBD).  The tournament is currently the only money generator of the year for the Scholarship and Family Member Support programs/funds. 


  1. Awards:
    1. Military Awards:  The Chapter actively supports the professional development of the MDW Army officers, noncommissioned officer, and junior enlisted education programs.  The Chapter provides awards to the top students in each graduating class, a plaque for writing honors, and plaques to the outstanding instructors in each area.
    2. Outstanding Soldier Awards:  Related Chapter awards can range from monetary awards to 1-year Chapter memberships for various MDW and Unit Soldiers and NCOs of the Year (i.e.; Campbell, Bolte, Green and Mologne Awards).
    3. Civilian of the Year Awards:  These awards recognize outstanding civilians in the MDW area (i.e., 2nd Region Civilian of the Year award, Ft Myer Civilian of the Quarter).
    4. AUSA National Awards:  The Chapter will continue to recognize outstanding Board Members, Community Supporters, Family Members, Industry members and Soldiers who continue to excel in their efforts to support AUSA goals and Soldiers and families.
    5. The Chapter objectives include Best Chapter and Biggest Chapter awards.
  2. Academic Scholarships/Grants: No later than the fourth quarter of the operational year, at least $25,000 in academic grants/scholarships will be awarded to deserving Chapter members or members of their family.  This program provides individual support to those in the Army and their families.
  3. Army Ten-Miler: Will coordinate all chapter functions for the HOOAH tent with the Military District of Washington and seek a community partner sponsor to support the event. If funding is available, the GWC will sponsor running teams, Universities of Maryland, Georgetown and Howard upon request.
  4. National Guard and Reserve Component Activities:  VP, National Guard and Reserves Components will continue to look for opportunities and ways to increase National Guard and Reserve Component support, awareness and membership. A close relationship exists between GWC and the DCNG.


  1. Communications:
    1. Base Camp Briefs quarterly newsletter.  The chapter will continue to lead the publication of this newsletter.
    2. Continue the Social Media resources to enhance Chapter Communications.


  1. Budget: Treasurer  will develop the annual budget and maintain the Chapter’s financial accounts.  The budget will be presented and approved by the Board Members at the June meeting.  Once approved, it will be submitted to AUSA National.


  1. Special Projects
    1. AUSA Resolutions Development (2020) Resolution recommendations are solicited from the installations, chapter members at large, as well as Executive Committee Members and forwarded to 2nd Region.
    2. National’s Annual Meeting: The Chapter sends a delegation the meeting each year.  The MDW Soldier and NCO of the Year and their guests are invited to the Chapter’s “special guests” for the Marshall Memorial Dinner.  The Annual Meeting fully supports the AUSA Focus Area’s for 2020.
    3. Second Region Annual Meeting:  President , Executive Committee and other Board members will represent the Chapter at the 2020 meeting.  The Chapter will sponsor the Regional Breakfast Meeting during the Annual AUSA Convention
    4. ILW: Donations of $1,000.00 to AUSA National on an annual basis.
    5. Web page and Social Media: We will continue to update/enhance our website to encourage user-friendly usage.  We believe that the web is vital to communicating our value and contributions to our membership; and our MDW-based Army family to include active, Guard and Reserve, families, allied forces, and retirees.  We will rely on this valuable tool more and more this OY 2020 – 2021.


  1. Recruiting Command: The chapter has a program to communicate with and support local recruiters with emphasis derived from participation at the annual regional breakfast.
    1. This year the chapter will continue to support the Pentagon Federal Credit Union foundation’s projects, American Freedom Foundation, Adopt a Soldier, Easter Seals, Boulder Crest Retreat and Women Veterans Interactive.  The President will coordinate these efforts as funds are available.
    2. The Chapter has an outstanding relationship with the 1st Brigade USAREC and the Baltimore Battalion. We will continue to support their efforts and provide assistance and representation when requested.


  1. Bylaws: The Bylaws are up-to-date and will be reviewed again, when required.


  1. Training: The chapter will avail itself of all training offerings by AUSA National.



Respectfully submitted,


F. D. (Dick) Winter, President

George Washington Chapter AUSA