Webinar To Feature Army Discussion on Race

Webinar To Feature Army Discussion on Race

Photo by: AUSA

A webinar on June 17 will feature Army Undersecretary James McPherson and Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Joseph Martin discussing diversity and race relations.

The program, which starts at noon Eastern, will be prerecorded and hosted by the Association of the U.S. Army. Retired Gen. Carter Ham, AUSA president and CEO, will provide opening remarks.

Because the event is prerecorded, any viewer questions submitted online during the webinar will be sent to the appropriate Army office or department.

The event is free, but registration is required. Click here to register. 

The appearance by McPherson and Martin comes after a rare June 3 message from the Army secretary, chief of staff and sergeant major of the Army about the racial unrest and protests nationwide over the May 25 death of George Floyd, who was pinned to the ground by Minneapolis police officers.

In their joint statement, Secretary Ryan McCarthy, Gen. James McConville and Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael Grinston said, “We feel the frustration and anger … even though we can never fully understand the frustration and life experiences of people of color, in or out of uniform. But we do understand the importance of taking care of people, and of treating every person with dignity and respect.” 

They said, “Our ability to defend this country from all enemies, foreign and domestic, is founded upon a sacred trust with the American people. Racial division erodes that trust. Though we all aspire to live by the Army values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage, the Army has sometimes fallen short. 

“Because just as we reflect the best of America, we reflect its imperfections as well. We need to work harder to earn the trust of mothers and fathers who hesitate to hand their sons and daughters into our care. How we respond to the anger that has ignited will chart the course of that trust.”

Their full statement can be read here.