AUSA Releases 7 New Podcasts in August

AUSA Releases 7 New Podcasts in August

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Photo by: AUSA

The Association of the U.S. Army is releasing seven new podcast episodes in August, including an interview with Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael Grinston and updates from the Army National Guard and Army Reserve.

First up in the “Army Matters” series is a conversation with Grinston. The Army’s senior enlisted leader will talk about ongoing efforts to change the service’s culture and build cohesive teams that are highly trained, disciplined and fit. Grinston also will preview several new initiatives he has in the works.

The episode was available Aug. 2.

On Aug. 9, the podcast will feature two soldiers with unusual Army jobs—Sgt. 1st Class David Flynn, a member of the Army Parachute Team, also known as the Golden Knights, and Sgt. Maj. Denver Dill, an Army music analytics team leader.

Next up is a special edition interview with retired Lt. Gen. Jack Stultz, a former Army Reserve chief who is a member of the AUSA board of directors; Maj. Gen. John Andonie, deputy director of the Army National Guard; and Stephen Austin, assistant chief of the Army Reserve. The panel will talk about issues facing the two components and highlight events tailored for Guard and Reserve soldiers at the AUSA Annual Meeting and Exposition in October.

The episode is available Aug. 11.

An Aug. 16 podcast will feature Yvonne Coombes, co-founder of Operation Deploy Your Dress, which offers new and gently used formal wear to military members and spouses. During the episode, Coombes will talk about the latest efforts by Operation Deploy Your Dress, including the new virtual Bridal Boutique and an upcoming pop-up event at AUSA national headquarters in September, and her role in AUSA’s Pikes Peak chapter.

A special edition scheduled for Aug. 18 will focus on building ethical leadership skills in aspiring military leaders. It will feature retired Col. Billy Wells, senior vice president for leadership and global engagement at the University of North Georgia, and Ken Tyler, vice president of development at the George C. Marshall International Center.

Next up is an episode, available Aug. 23, on Joint All-Domain Command and Control and implications of the framework for the Army.

Also known as JADC2, the framework is DoD’s effort to combine resources, processes and technology from all the services and “enable the joint force to converge effects” in all five domains—air, space, cyber, land and sea, according to the Army. The ability to do that will be critical, according to the Army, as the military expects the speed, scale and complexity of the fight to increase over time, particularly with the addition of emerging technologies such as robotics, autonomy and artificial intelligence.

Finally, on Aug. 30, AUSA will release a special edition podcast on the latest in talent management initiatives for warrant officers and NCOs. 

Full details on the podcasts are available at Listeners also can subscribe to “Army Matters” for updates.